The Wellness Massage
The Wellness Massage is tailored to the pressure you want and the modalities your body needs. From beginning to end, it is our goal for you to release any pain, tension or stress you may be holding onto from the inside, out. We recommend to add 15 minutes to your session if you are requesting a modality from the Specialty Massage list. This will ensure that your session is not rushed and can achieve the results that you are looking for.
30 Min $65 /// 45 Min $85 /// 60 Min $110 /// 75 Min $135 /// 90 Min $150 /// 120 Min $200
The Express Massage
The Express Massage is a quick fix and is given while the client lays on the table, fully clothed. No lotion or creams will be used. It is the perfect session for a lunch break or a quick fix in between regular sessions.
30 Min $45
Specialty Massage
We recommend that when booking a Specialty Massage, add 15 Minutes to the Wellness Massage for an Enhanced Experience that will get the results that you are looking for. Please Contact Us With Any Questions.
Warm Scalp
Hot Himalayan Salt Stones
Sports Massage
*New Parent (For Mothers & Fathers)
*Mother-To-Be (Prenatal)
*Offered in 45 & 75 minute sessions only
45 Min $85 /// 75 Min $135